
Columbo Replicars

Columbo is a groundbreaking crime drama series that features the brilliant but deceptively unassuming Lieutenant Columbo, played by Peter Falk. Known for his rumpled trench coat, ever-present cigar, and sharp wit, Columbo solves complex murder cases with a unique twist: the audience knows the culprit from the beginning. The show's suspense lies in watching Columbo meticulously unravel the mystery and outsmart the perpetrator. The series first aired on September 15, 1971 , and its original run concluded on May 13, 1978 . Columbo returned for a series of television films starting in 1989, continuing until its final episode aired on January 30, 2003 . Shop Now Entertainment Earth

Celebrate 40 Years of Cowabunga: TMNT Heroes in a Half Shell Exhibition

Get ready, Melbourne! The TMNT Heroes in a Half Shell Exhibition has arrived at Docklands, bringing an epic celebration of 40 years of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to life. Presented by Paramount+ , this immersive experience invites fans of all ages to explore the history, art, and culture of everyone’s favourite pizza-loving ninjas—Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle The exhibition is divided into five themed galleries , each showcasing the evolution of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. From their humble beginnings as comic book heroes in the 1980s to becoming a global phenomenon spanning animated series, blockbuster movies, and more, the galleries offer a deep dive into the world of TMNT. Expect to see rare artwork , memorabilia , and behind-the-scenes content that highlight the franchise's enduring legacy. But the fun doesn’t stop with the galleries. Fans can relive their childhood in a mini-theatre , where classic TMNT episodes and exc...

Play Red Light, Green Light on Google Search Squid Game

Did you know you can play the Red Light, Green Light game from Squid Game right on Google Search ? Simply type "Squid Games" into the search bar, and a special card will appear at the bottom of the page. Click the card, and you'll dive straight into this fun and interactive mini-game! Perfect for fans of the hit series or anyone looking for a quick and exciting game to pass the time. Try it out now and relive the thrill of this iconic challenge! Not sure how long this will last for on Google. The Following video will show you how.

John Wick Replicars

John Wick is a high-octane action thriller that tells the story of a retired hitman seeking vengeance against those who have wronged him. After the sudden loss of his wife, John Wick (Keanu Reeves) receives a final gift from her—a puppy named Daisy—to help him cope with his grief. However, his life takes a dark turn when a group of gangsters, led by Iosef Tarasov (Alfie Allen), breaks into his home, kills Daisy, and steals his prized 1969 Mustang. Fuelled by rage and grief, Wick comes out of retirement to hunt down the men responsible, unleashing his legendary skills in the underworld. With a meticulously crafted world of assassins, breathtaking fight choreography, and relentless action, John Wick redefines the revenge genre. When Did It Premiere? The film premiered on October 24, 2014 , and quickly became a cult favourite, spawning multiple sequels and establishing a global franchise. Shop Now Entertainment Earth

Bluey Set to Hit The Big Screen in 2027

BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company today announced the first-ever animated feature film for “Bluey,”the beloved Emmy® and BAFTA Award-winning animated series. The new deal sees Disney acquiring the global theatrical rights for the film, which will land in cinemas in 2027 under the Disney banner. Written and directed by “Bluey” creator Joe Brumm, the film is a Ludo Studio production in collaboration with BBC Studios. Delivering the same charm and humor that made the television series a global phenomenon, the movie will continue the adventures of Bluey, a loveable, inexhaustible, blue heeler dog, who lives with her Mum, Dad and her little sister, Bingo. The film will star vocal talent from the hit show including Melanie Zanetti and David McCormack as Bluey ’ s mum and dad, Chilli and Bandit Heeler, and music created by  “ Bluey ”   composer Joff Bush.   The CG animated film will be produced by award-winning animation producer Amber Naismith ( “ Happy Feet, ” “ The Lego...

Vintage Star Wars Hasbro Toy Catalog from 1999

This vintage 1999 Star Wars Hasbro catalog is a treasure trove for collectors and fans alike, showcasing an impressive lineup of action figures, toys, ships, and more. Featuring products from Hasbro’s iconic brands like Galoob, Tiger, and Larami, the catalog highlights an era of Star Wars merchandise that included everything from puzzles to interactive games. A nostalgic glimpse into the galaxy of late '90s collectibles! For the full catalog see video below

Hand Picked Must Watch - Coming to Disney+ Australia in January 2025.

Alien: Romulus 1 January Prepare for a truly terrifying journey into sci-fi horror as “Alien: Romulus” takes the iconic Alien franchise back to its chilling roots. When a group of young colonizers stumbles upon a derelict space station, they unknowingly awaken the universe’s most relentless and deadly predator. Starring Cailee Spaeny, David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, Isabela Merced, Spike Fearn, and Aileen Wu, this gripping thriller is directed by horror maestro Fede Alvarez, with a screenplay by Alvarez and collaborator Rodo Sayagues, based on characters created by Dan O’Bannon and Ronald Shusett. Produced by the legendary Ridley Scott—director of the original Alien, Prometheus, and Alien: Covenant—alongside Michael Pruss and Walter Hill, Alien: Romulus delivers spine-chilling suspense and relentless terror. Goosebumps: The Vanishing 10 January Goosebumps: The Vanishing follows fraternal twins Devin and Cece as they adjust to living with their recently divorced fath...

Dumb and Dumber Replicars

Dumb and Dumber is a classic slapstick comedy that follows the hilariously misguided adventures of Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) and Harry Dunne (Jeff Daniels), two well-meaning but extraordinarily dim-witted best friends. When Lloyd falls for Mary Swanson (Lauren Holly), a wealthy woman who has accidentally left her briefcase behind at the airport, the duo embarks on a cross-country journey from Rhode Island to Aspen to return it. Unbeknownst to them, the briefcase contains ransom money tied to a kidnapping plot, putting them in the crosshairs of dangerous criminals. Through a series of absurd mishaps and misunderstandings, Lloyd and Harry bumble their way through one ridiculous scenario after another, leaving chaos in their wake. With its unforgettable one-liners, physical comedy, and over-the-top antics, Dumb and Dumber has become a cult favorite and a defining comedy of the 1990s. When Did It Premiere? Dumb and Dumber was released in theaters December 16, 1994 . Directed b...

Baa Baa Black Sheep Replicars

Baa Baa Black Sheep, later retitled Black Sheep Squadron, is a World War II drama series inspired by the real-life exploits of Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington (played by Robert Conrad) and his misfit squadron of fighter pilots. Set in the Pacific Theater, the show follows the daring and often unconventional actions of the Black Sheep Squadron, a group of rebellious Marine Corps aviators tasked with defending strategic islands against Japanese forces. Despite their rowdy behavior and knack for bending the rules, the squadron proves their courage and skill in the skies, earning respect and victories against formidable odds. Packed with thrilling aerial combat sequences, camaraderie, and humor, the series highlights the human side of war and the bond between these "bad boys of aviation. When Was It Released? The series first aired on September 21, 1976, on NBC, and ran for two seasons, concluding on April 6, 1978. Created by Stephen J. Cannell, the show became a cult f...

The Rat Patrol Replicars

The Rat Patrol is a World War II action-adventure television series that follows the daring exploits of a four-man Allied commando team operating in the North African desert. Their mission: to disrupt German operations and outwit the Afrika Korps through sabotage, reconnaissance, and guerrilla tactics. Led by the resourceful Sergeant Sam Troy (Christopher George) and his partner Sergeant Jack Moffitt (Gary Raymond), the team includes the rugged Private Mark Hitchcock (Lawrence Casey) and the quick-thinking Private Tully Pettigrew (Justin Tarr). Their primary adversary is the cunning German Captain Hans Dietrich (Eric Braeden), who is always one step behind their clever manoeuvres. With high-octane chases, daring missions, and a rugged desert setting, The Rat Patrol captured the excitement and danger of wartime espionage, making it a favorite among fans of military dramas. When Was It Released? The Rat Patrol premiered on September 12, 1966, on ABC and ran for two seasons, conclud...

The Matrix Replicars

The Matrix is a groundbreaking sci-fi action film that explores the nature of reality, human existence, and free will. The story follows Neo (Keanu Reeves), a skilled hacker who discovers that the world he lives in is an elaborate simulation called "the Matrix," created by intelligent machines to enslave humanity. Guided by the enigmatic Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and the fierce warrior Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), Neo learns that he may be "The One" prophesied to free humanity from machine domination. As Neo unravels the truth about the Matrix, he gains mastery over its rules, transforming into a powerful force in the fight against the machines and their agents, led by the relentless Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving). Blending high-octane action, revolutionary special effects like "bullet time," and profound philosophical questions, The Matrix reshaped the sci-fi genre and left an indelible mark on pop culture. When Did It Air? The Matrix premiered on Mar...

Dark Angel Replicars

Dark Angel is a sci-fi action-drama set in a dystopian future where society struggles under the weight of economic collapse and government corruption. The series follows Max Guevara (played by Jessica Alba), a genetically enhanced super-soldier who escapes from a secret government facility known as Manticore. Living in post-apocalyptic Seattle, Max works as a bike messenger by day and fights to uncover her past, evade capture, and help others like her who were also genetically engineered. Balancing her enhanced abilities with her humanity, Max allies with Logan Cale (Michael Weatherly), a cyber-journalist dedicated to exposing corruption. Together, they navigate a world of danger, conspiracies, and the moral complexities of genetic engineering. The show blends elements of science fiction, action, and social commentary, creating a gripping narrative that explores themes of identity and freedom. When Did It Air? Dark Angel premiered on October 3, 2000, on the Fox network, created by...