Dark Angel Replicars
Dark Angel is a sci-fi action-drama set in a dystopian future where society struggles under the weight of economic collapse and government corruption. The series follows Max Guevara (played by Jessica Alba), a genetically enhanced super-soldier who escapes from a secret government facility known as Manticore. Living in post-apocalyptic Seattle, Max works as a bike messenger by day and fights to uncover her past, evade capture, and help others like her who were also genetically engineered.
Balancing her enhanced abilities with her humanity, Max allies with Logan Cale (Michael Weatherly), a cyber-journalist dedicated to exposing corruption. Together, they navigate a world of danger, conspiracies, and the moral complexities of genetic engineering. The show blends elements of science fiction, action, and social commentary, creating a gripping narrative that explores themes of identity and freedom.
When Did It Air?
Dark Angel premiered on October 3, 2000, on the Fox network, created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee. Despite its popularity and critical acclaim, the series concluded after two seasons, airing its final episode on May 3, 2002.