Baa Baa Black Sheep Replicars
Baa Baa Black Sheep, later retitled Black Sheep Squadron, is a World War II drama series inspired by the real-life exploits of Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington (played by Robert Conrad) and his misfit squadron of fighter pilots. Set in the Pacific Theater, the show follows the daring and often unconventional actions of the Black Sheep Squadron, a group of rebellious Marine Corps aviators tasked with defending strategic islands against Japanese forces.
Despite their rowdy behavior and knack for bending the rules, the squadron proves their courage and skill in the skies, earning respect and victories against formidable odds. Packed with thrilling aerial combat sequences, camaraderie, and humor, the series highlights the human side of war and the bond between these "bad boys of aviation.
When Was It Released?Revell |
SKU H-580 Released 1976 Plastic 1/32 Scale |
SKU H-581 Released 1976 Plastic 1/32 Scale |