The Rookies Replicars

The Rookies is a classic 1970s police procedural drama that follows the lives of three young police officers—Willie Gillis (Michael Ontkean), Terry Webster (Georg Stanford Brown), and Mike Danko (Sam Melville)—as they navigate the challenges of law enforcement. Mentored by their tough but compassionate superior, Lieutenant Eddie Ryker (Gerald S. O’Loughlin), the rookies tackle crime, danger, and personal struggles while striving to serve their community.

The show stands out for its focus on the human side of police work, delving into the relationships, emotions, and dilemmas faced by officers early in their careers. Combining action, drama, and social issues, The Rookies captured the complexities of 1970s policing.

When Did It Air?

The Rookies first aired on ABC on September 11, 1972, and concluded its run after four successful seasons on March 30, 1976. Created by William Blinn, the series was produced by Aaron Spelling.


SKU 416-43
Released 1975
N/A Scale
SKU 421-44
Released 1975
N/A Scale

L.J.N Toys

SKU 2003
Released 1975
1/64 Scale
SKU 6201
Released 1975
N/A Scale