Scooby-Doo Replicars
Scooby-Doo is a classic animated series that follows the comedic and thrilling adventures of four teenagers—Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy—and their loveable, snack-obsessed Great Dane, Scooby-Doo. Together, they form Mystery Inc., a group dedicated to solving supernatural mysteries that often turn out to have surprisingly human culprits. Each episode blends humour, suspense, and teamwork as the gang unravels clues, sets traps, and exposes the real villains behind masks.
When Did Scooby-Doo First Air?
The original series, Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, premiered on September 13, 1969, on CBS. Created by Hanna-Barbera Productions, it quickly became a beloved staple of Saturday morning cartoons. Over the decades, Scooby-Doo has evolved through numerous spin-offs, movies, and reboots, solidifying its status as one of the most enduring and iconic franchises in animation history.
With its blend of mystery-solving, humour, and unforgettable catchphrases like "Zoinks!" and "Ruh-roh!", Scooby-Doo continues to charm audiences of all ages.
Auto World |
SKU SC358 Released N/A Diecast 1/64 Scale |
1972 TV movie titled Scooby-Doo meets Batman SKU SRS338 Released N/A Plastic N/A Scale |
Basic Fun |
SKU 40028 Released 2019 Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU 40050 Released 2021 Plastic N/A Scale |
Boley |
SKU 51306 Released 1998 Plastic N/A Scale |
Character Toys |
SKU 06089 Released N/A Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU 07190 Released N/A Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU N/A Released N/A Plastic N/A Scale |
Equity Marketing Inc |
SKU 7363 Released 2000 Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU 7369 Released 2000 Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU 7370 Released 2000 Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU 7373 Released 2000 Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU N/A Released N/A Plastic N/A Scale |
Funko |
SKU 7715 Released 2016 Plastic N/A Scale |
SKU 8168 Released 2006 Plastic N/A Scale |
Hot Wheels |
Jada Toys |
SKU 32040 Released N/A Diecast 1/32 Scale |
SKU 31720 Released N/A Diecast 1/24 Scale |
Johnny Lightning |
Joyride Studios |
SKU 33734 Released 2005 Diecast 1/18 Scale |
SKU 76179 Released 2003 Diecast 1/64 Scale |
SKU 75902 Released N/A Plastic N/A Scal |
L.J.N Toys |
SKU 2000 Released 1975 Diecast 1/64 Scale |
Polar Lights |
SKU 75902 Released N/A Plastic N/A Scale |
Revell |
SKU 85-1771 Released 2017 Plastic 1/20 Scale |