The Matrix Replicars

The Matrix is a groundbreaking sci-fi action film that explores the nature of reality, human existence, and free will. The story follows Neo (Keanu Reeves), a skilled hacker who discovers that the world he lives in is an elaborate simulation called "the Matrix," created by intelligent machines to enslave humanity. Guided by the enigmatic Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and the fierce warrior Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), Neo learns that he may be "The One" prophesied to free humanity from machine domination.

As Neo unravels the truth about the Matrix, he gains mastery over its rules, transforming into a powerful force in the fight against the machines and their agents, led by the relentless Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving). Blending high-octane action, revolutionary special effects like "bullet time," and profound philosophical questions, The Matrix reshaped the sci-fi genre and left an indelible mark on pop culture.

When Did It Air?

The Matrix premiered on March 31, 1999, directed by Lana and Lilly Wachowski. Its innovative visuals, gripping narrative, and cyberpunk aesthetic garnered critical and commercial success, spawning sequels, video games, and a devoted fanbase.

Gentle Giant Ltd

Trinity on Ducati Motorcycle
Limited Edition 1,500
SKU 5117
Released 2003
N/A Scale


SKU 122 120002
Limited Edition 9,999
Released N/A
1/12 Scale